Nourishing your soul is just as important as properly nourishing and taking care of your body. The world we live in is hectic, and it is very easy to get swept up into the chaos of everyday life. Many people forget to take care of themselves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and this could be one reason why there has been a surge in depression, insomnia, and other issues like these.
But how do you go about nourishing your soul? What sorts of things can you do for yourself? Here are just a few ideas:
- Meditate
Meditation can mean different things to different people, but the basic premise of this idea is to find a quiet space in your mind and just be. As you meditate you tune out the “noise” of the world and focus on allowing stress and worries to fade into the background for a while.
While most people meditate while sitting or lying down with their eyes closed, you can also incorporate walking or running into your meditation time. Some people use music while meditating while others prefer silence, and some people find it easier to meditate with their eyes open as long as they are focused on something beautiful and serene.
There are many ways to meditate, which means that you can find a method that works best for you. Meditation can leave you feeling refreshed and less fatigued.
- Journaling/Writing
Journaling is making a comeback for adults as more people realize how powerful it is to write down your thoughts. For a long time it seemed that people felt like journaling was something for girls under the age of 16 to do – but the truth is that some of the most successful business owners and greatest thinkers in the world write daily.
Many people are intimidated by the idea of writing because they don’t consider themselves “writers.” But nobody has to see what you write. Taking time each day to physically write down your thoughts, dreams, goals, plans, and even your worries can take a lot of strain off your mind. By writing these things down your brain no longer has to hold all of that information, and it is like you give it permission to let some of it go.
People who journal or write every day are more likely to see their goals come to fruition and are generally less stressed than those who don’t have a daily writing habit.
- Do What You Love
One of the biggest causes of stress and unhappiness in our society is people not loving what they do. Unfortunately, most people are in jobs or careers that they are not passionate about. What is even more unfortunate is that they feel like this is “normal” – that you are simply meant to put in your time whether you like your job or not.
If more people focused on getting into careers they were actually passionate about, there would be a lot more happy people in the world and more good work would get done.
But it is difficult to consider leaving a steady job in order to pursue something you’re more passionate about. So what can you do? One idea is to become more passionate about the work you’re already doing. If you make a conscious decision to love your job more, and to find ways to make your work more enjoyable, you will find ways to make that happen. Another idea is to start a part-time business on the side doing what truly makes you happy. Hopefully you can scale it up into a full-time business, but even if you can’t you can still have the satisfaction of making extra money doing what you love.
There are so many different ways that you can nourish your soul. Some are small things that you can incorporate into your daily life easily. Others are big life changes that can take a lot of time and energy to accomplish.
By deciding to start nourishing your soul you will find more happiness and relaxation in your life.