Alcohol has many attractions. It tastes good, it can be fun, and it’s another thing to do while socialising with friends. Young people probably drink more regularly than middle-aged people because it’s convenient. It’s a new experience and it can be fun to have a few drinks. However, some young people feel pressured to drink; that if they don’t, it may cost them friends and their social life. While alcohol is a luxury on some occasions, there are also many advantages to taking a break from it.
- Lose Weight
Alcohol, particularly beer and cider, are notorious for weight gain, especially if they are consumed on a regular basis. Alcohol should definitely be avoided if trying to lose weight, but even giving up alcohol alone without any other lifestyle changes, will make a noticeable difference.
- Save Money
Alcohol is often just a waste of money. Drinking is not cheap, especially in nightclubs, where the drinks are overpriced. The money saved on alcohol could be used to buy something nice, as an incentive to keep up the good work.
- Avoid Hangovers
No more hangovers, headaches and nausea the morning after a night out is another major advantage. Staying up late may be tiring, but it’s easily fixed with a few hours sleep the next morning. A hangover is more difficult to cure, especially during work the next day. Avoiding hangovers is nearly a reason itself, to give up alcohol.
- No More Embarrassment
Everybody has them flashbacks, the morning after a night of drinking. It may be going a bit too wild on the dance floor, or even drunk texting an ex; either way it would be nicer to wake up remembering everything that happened the night before. People do things when drinking, that they would never do sober and they often regret it.
- Build Confidence
Many people rely on alcohol when they are out, because they feel shy or awkward in certain social situations. Going out sober will improve build confidence over time, and get rid of the reliance on alcohol to have a good night. Be secure in the knowledge that alcohol is not necessary to be an interesting and fun person.
- Better Mood
After a heavy night of drinking, people are more irritable and likely to get into arguments with their friends and family. Alcohol can be fun in the moment, but over-drinking can lead to depression and anxiety. It is not a good idea to drink when upset, as it usually makes the problem seem way worse than it actually is. Avoid alcohol at times of stress, it won’t fix the problem and will only reduce your ability to cope with it.
Alcohol can be a treat sometimes, but there are many advantages to cutting down, or even giving it up completely. It may be harder for young people to avoid because going out is such a big part of life; but giving up alcohol doesn’t mean giving up socialising.