Busy. We are all so busy. In our ironic world, we are busy even on the days when we are doing nothing. Nothing often consists of video streaming binges, video games, or social media until our eyes blur. Forget the days when our responsibilities rule. Work, significant others, kids, pets, school, even hobbies consume us in routine.
Using Breakfast To Start Your Family’s Day
There is more to breakfast than simply good nutrition. It is a time for conversation and sharing. For those with children, breakfast can be the ideal place and time to share news, inspiration, love, and to make sure everyone knows what’s happening that day. There are some things that can be done to turn breakfast into a truly special time in your home.
3 Ways to Nourish Your Soul
Nourishing your soul is just as important as properly nourishing and taking care of your body. The world we live in is hectic, and it is very easy to get swept up into the chaos of everyday life. Many people forget to take care of themselves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, and this could be one reason why there has been a surge in depression, insomnia, and other issues like these.
6 Powerful Ways to Meditate at Work
The Power of Fifteen Miinutes
A huge challenge for many women today is getting everything done by the end of the day. Women are expected to wear many hats in their daily life; wife, mother, business woman, cook, housekeeper etc. Depending on the woman there may be more or less hats involved. The secret to getting everything done comes in little fifteen minute blocks.